Omaha's Pest Library
Omaha Pest Control provides you pest information about Omaha, NE insects, rodents and 24 common household pests. Use our comprehensive pest control guide to identify the pests, learn about their characteristics and behaviors, and see how we inspect, identify and exterminate them. Even though you have skillfully identified the pest, our guide is not a substitute for a professional evaluation and treatment.
Discover What Critters Are Bugging Omaha
Your families health and happiness are the most important aspect of your life and these outside invaders aren’t welcome in the home. Omaha Pest Control, Inc. has technicians available (Monday through Saturday by appointment) to help you with these annoying and sometimes destructive pests. Contact your locally owned Omaha Pest Control professionals today at (402) 969-7378 (PEST) and get pest eradication and problems solved.