Omaha is Bed Bug Infested
is a city in the middle of the agricultural Midwest and centers around the farms and crops that feed our world and provide employment for its Nebraska citizens. Successful farming requires successful pest control and exterminating measures of your property. Pests can transmit disease so pest management in your home and business.
Experts predict increase in Bed Bugs Pest Control cases for 2018. Bed Bugs have been here in Omaha since the beginning of time. Exterminators at Omaha Pest Control, Inc. have over 25 years experience with pest inspection, pest treatment and pest control of bed bugs, sometimes spelled bedbugs and other pests.
There is one thing on which top entomologists agree: The current bed bug infestation has not reached its peak in the U.S. According to experts, the current surge in U.S. bed bug infestations began around 2004, but didn’t hit the national news until 2010. Data from the 2013 Bugs without Borders Survey by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) confirmed that 98 percent of pest management professionals encountered a bed bug infestation during the past 12 months in an apartment or condominium, up from 90 percent in 2011.
History & Resurgence of The Bed Bugs
It used to be thought of as a good night gesture, but not any more.
Bed bugs Are A Common Problem In The United States
Up through the World War II era they were virtually eliminated from the US with the wide scale usage of pesticides, such as DDT and Malathion. During the late 1990’s bed bugs began to re-emerge as a pest in the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK, along with a number of other countries. Their secretive behavior, coupled with a lack of public awareness, has enabled this insect to move very efficiently from one dwelling to another and has assisted their rapid dispersal throughout the country. Pest control companies and businesses that sell products to prevent or control bed bugs echo the observation that the war against bed bugs is probably not going away any time soon.
Bedbugs Are Not Often Recognized
Perhaps the most significant factor that has enabled bed bugs to spread throughout the US at an exponential rate is the lack of public awareness. Many people simply don’t believe or realize that bed bugs truly exist. As a result people do not think twice before picking up discarded furniture that is infested with bed bugs and bringing them into their home. Once the bugs are introduced it is not uncommon for infestations to go undetected for several months or more.
One Of The Reasons That Infestations Are Not Detected
There are numerous cryptic and secretive habits exhibited by bed bugs. They are mostly active at night, coming out of secretive hiding places to feed on people as they lay fast asleep. Their bite is painless so people are unaware that they have been bitten. Once they have finished taking a blood meal they retreat back to their hiding places where they remain undetected and are not likely to come back out until it is time to feed again (often going several days to a week or more between blood meals). In addition many people must first become sensitized to the bite before developing any bite symptoms while others never react at all.
Delayed Reactions
It is not uncommon for people to have delayed reactions of several weeks or more. Even when symptoms do occur, they are often confused with poison ivy, scabies, allergic reactions etc. All of these factors enable bed bugs to become very well established before the occupation. Perhaps the most significant factor that has enabled bed bugs to spread throughout the US at an exponential rate is the lack of public awareness. Many people simply don’t believe or realize that bed bugs truly exist. As a result people do not think twice before picking up discarded furniture that is infested with bed bugs and bringing them into their home.
Inspect Often
Once the bugs are introduced it is not uncommon for infestations to go undetected for several months or more. One of the reasons that infestations are not detected sooner has to do with the cryptic and secretive habits exhibited by bed bugs. They are mostly active at night, coming out of secretive hiding places to feed on people as they lay fast asleep. Their bite is painless so people are unaware that they have been bitten. Once they have finished taking a blood meal they retreat back to their hiding places where they remain undetected and are not likely to come back out until it is time to feed again (often going several days to a week or more between blood meals). In addition many people must first become sensitized to the bite before developing any bite symptoms while others never react at all.